أخبار ساخنة

Mesothelioma malignants

Mesothelioma malignants
(mesothelioma): is the type of cancer occurring at the layer kind of tissue covering most members of the interior is from the types of cancer fatal and violent available her treatments, but the proportion of healing of the disease patients in it ضىيلة and possible Department of doctors mesothelioma to the different types by any part of the members of internal infected, often infects mesothelioma tissue surrounding بالرئة (pleura) is called this type tumor medium pleural, affect other types rare of mesothelioma tissues in the stomach (mesothelioma الصفاقي) and around the heart and around the testes .. symptoms: vary signs and symptoms of mesothelioma according to a place of cancer. Cause mesothelioma pleural, which affects the surrounding tissues بالرئتين, symptoms and signs of may include the following: pain chest the bottom of the cage الصدريسعال مؤلمضيق in التنفسكتل of tissue extraordinary subcutaneous in الصدرفقدان weight unjustified cause mesothelioma الصفاقي, which affects tissues in the abdomen, signs وأعراضا may include the following: pain in البطنانتفاخ البطنكتل of tissue in البطنفقدان weight is المبرراشكال other of mesothelioma: the signs and symptoms of other types of mesothelioma is clear, because these forms of the disease rare very can result in mesothelioma التأموري, which affects tissue perimeter heart, symptoms and signs of such as the difficulty breathing pain in the chest. May discover mesothelioma للغلالة الغمدية, which affects the surrounding tissues بالخصيتين, the first time that the swelling or block in the testis. In the early stages of the disease note the following: 1.الكحة dry and the voice of whistling اثنااء breathing 2.ضيق breathing 3.الم region of the chest and abdomen 4. a fluids ع lung reasons: all in all start an injury بالسرطانات when a: 1. a series of mutations genetic inside the cells where are growing cells abnormally multiply it can't be controlled 2. an interaction between many factors for example: cases health والبيىية genetic واختلافات lifestyle exposure to asbestos: risk factor basic لورم المتوسطةعدل is asbestos a metal in the environment naturally where fibers asbestos strong and resistant to heat which makes it useful in a variety of uses such as product insulation and brake and ceiling and terrestrial and many other products. When the dismantling asbestos like what happens during the process of mining or when removing the isolation of asbestos may result in dust if the inhalation dust or ابتلاعه فستستقر fibers asbestos in the lungs or in the stomach where can cause تهيجا leads to mesothelioma the manner in which happens to it exactly is not understood this may take injury tumor medium after exposure لأسبستوس than 20 40 years or more. Won't hurt most individuals who are exposed to asbestos for years tumor medium However infected individuals others are exposed to asbestos shortterm disease, and this indicates the presence of other factors may involve determine whether the individual سيصاب tumor medium or not, for example, can inherit willing to risk of cancer or can state of the other to increase your risk. Factors الخطرعدل include the factors that may increase the risk for tumor medium the following: the history of a personal with exposure to asbestos: when the exposure to fibers asbestos, both at home or work it increases the risk .العيش with individual works with asbestos. May exhibit, individuals who are exposed to asbestos, fiber inside the House on their skin or their clothes. Can exposure of the fiber scattered over several years that shows the individuals who's in the House risk tumor medium. Individuals, dealing with high levels of asbestos, that يقللوا the risk of getting fibers asbestos home through bathing and change the clothes before leaving العمل.تاريخ family لورم medium. If it is one of members العاىلة both parents or kids or relatives has a history of patients for this disease has increases the ratio of
developing its.


